by Rug Worx® | Aug 14, 2019 | FAQ, Pets
SNEAK PEEK: WASHING RUGS WITH PET URINE The Marinator We break out the Marinator pit whenever we need to deal with severe pet urine problems. The rug sucker pulls out dirty water while fresh water is constantly filling the pit. Check it out. Watch our short video...
by Rug Worx® | Jul 26, 2019 | FAQ, Pets, Viscose
Reviving Rugs Reviving rugs over here and bringing them back to life! This hand knotted viscose rug needed some love. Viscose is a tricky fiber to wash and not all cleaners are comfortable working with it. This is a popular fiber choice for homeowners and designers...
by Rug Worx® | Apr 22, 2019 | FAQ
Your Spring Cleaning Game Plan Approach the starting line. Are you ready to dive in and get some cleaning done in those neglected areas of your home or office? If so, then let us help you get your game face on! First things first, set REALISTIC goals going in. You may...